Anna Parmentier

I am a Video game UI/UX Designer, welcome to my portfolio!

Curriculum Vitae

Read my online resume See my LinkedIn profile
Anna ParmentierHello!
I am a UX designer in the Vancouver video game industry. I love solving design problems and collaborate across multiple disciplines to bring the best experience to our players. I'm a strong team player but also an advocate for better accessibility and design practices.

Professional experiences

Blackbird Interactive UI/UX Designer (Vancouver, CA) Dec 2021 to now
UX designer on Minecraft Legends (AAA Adventure strategy game, PC and consoles). Mock up for new features, accessibility support, cross-play support, UX for game objectives.
Tech UX designer on Homeworld 3 (AAA RTS in space, PC, developed in UE4) /// UX, prototyping, front end integration, UX writing

A Thinking Ape UI/UX Designer (Vancouver, CA) Oct 2017 to Nov 2021
Working on live ops for Party In My Dorm (F2P social mobile game). Mock up for new features, revamping of old features with latest graphic chart /// UI art, UX, wireframe, front end integration, user testing and marketing art

V11 Studio Game Concept Artist (Mauritius) March 2016 to April 2017
Full time employee on Wild factions Arena (F2P mobile strategy game) and Kitty Journey (F2P puzzle game) /// Concept art, UI art, art direction assistance and marketing art

Zynga Concept Artist on FarmVille 2 (Bangalore, IN) July 2015 to Jan 2016 (6 months)
I worked as an intern on the live ops of FarmVille 2, 1.2millions DAU farming simulation game on Facebook /// Concept art for Feature of the Week, High concept and building concept arts for my Gourmet Farm, 3D asset.

XIWEN Games 2D & 3D Video Game Artist in XIWEN Games (Nantes, FR) Summer 2014 (3 months)
I worked on the shipped title Gourmet Quest, mobile and browser culinary adventure /// 2D Assets and backgrounds, 3D low poly scene, trailer and cinematic.

Darius Print Freelance Web Designer Darius 2009 – 2014 (5 years)
Web integration for printing service e-commerce website. /// Webdesign, content management, customer relationship

La maison de l'ecologie de St EtienneCartoonist La Maison de l'Ecologie de Saint Etienne Summer 2013 (3 months)
I drew a comic of 14pages and a cover for an ecologic association. The comic was published locally, it is the 3rd book about climate change. /// Story-boarding, illustration, digital colors

IndevGraphic Designer Internship Indev - Belgium November 2012 (1 month)
Internship in the web Agency InDev. What I achieved: Front and Back end template for a CMS aimed at pharmacists, designs for printed posters, logo design, drawing and animation for company e-card. /// Web design, logo design, 2D animation


• UX Design
• Wireframing
• UI Art and Graphic design
• Marketing Art/ASO
• UX (User research, Testing, Survey writing)
• Video editing

Software: Figma, Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects, Perforce, Git, Jira & Asana

Engines: Unreal Engine 4, Unity4 and 5, XCode & Android Studio

Programming languages: Blueprint, HTML, CSS, React, Processing. Can tinker in Java and Objective-C


• Love team work
• Agile methodology
• Curious and passionate
• Intercultural experiences
• Understands the work of the other game departments

French: Mother tongue
English: Fluent
German & Spanish: Conversational
Mandarin & Hindi: Foundations


DSK SupinfogameAug 2013 - 2015 Rubika Supinfogame – Pune (India) Master Management & Game Art

SrishtiJan to april 2013 Srishti School of Art, Design & Technology – Bangalore (India) Exchange program in Animation school

ESADSESept 2008 - dec 2012 The High School of Art and Design - Saint-Etienne (France) DNAP in Art option (bachelor in fine art)

2008 Scientific Baccalaureat (First Degree diploma), option Mathematics (cum laude) Lacassagne, Lyon (France)